Unable to add picture to Wiki
Added by Max Yaffe over 5 years ago
I'm trying to add a picture to a local wiki page. I know how to insert a file path into the wiki using the !file path! syntax. I can upload a file but there is no information given about the path to the file I've just uploaded.
What is the correct process for uploading a file and identifying it to the wiki?
Is there a manual page that described this?
Replies (2)
RE: Unable to add picture to Wiki
Added by Sam Soong over 5 years ago
Hi Max,
What you need is to upload the picture in Wiki Page when editing and insert the image file between !! and then click Save button.
Note: please ensure your picture filename without blank e.g. my-picture.jpg acceptable but not my picture.jpg.
my-picture.jpg (14.8 KB) my-picture.jpg |
RE: Unable to add picture to Wiki
Added by Max Yaffe over 5 years ago
Thanks, Sam. I was able to get this to work. My confusion is that I didn't see the full path until I saved and opened the page.