


FileSystem SCM shows no files

Added by David Sleeman almost 5 years ago

I am running redmine on linux using the bitnami stack. I am trying to set a folder in the system to be visible through the FileSystem repository SCM. no matter what folder I choose, no files are ever displayed. I do not know if it is a folder permission issue or something else.

Can anyone describe how to show the file contents using the FileSystem SCM? I can't find anything online and the access logs show "error" 200 which seems to show that access was successful.

I am testing with system administration rights in Redmine for now.

Replies (4)

RE: FileSystem SCM shows no files - Added by Liane Hampe almost 5 years ago

Hi David,

My experiences with the filesystem scm are as follows:

  • You can access those files which are accessible by the user who runs Redmine.
  • You need to know the root or home dir of this user to properly navigate to the files you whish to access via the filesystem scm.

When you have these information, you can type in the path as you would do on the command line.


RE: FileSystem SCM shows no files - Added by David Sleeman almost 5 years ago

Hi Liane

Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate the help. It's been a frustrating time.

Actually, I tried this with the home directory for the "bitnami" user which is the stack I built this from. From redmine, the folder name appears correctly but no files or subfolders are visible. I tried with an intentionally incorrect folder and got the expected "invalid path error". I checked the logs and all accesses in production.log and apache's access.log show "200" which seems to show that access is successful so I am deeply racking my brain to think of what else it could be.

I set the owner to be the same as the redmine file system and even set 777 for permissions as a test. Still nothing. I don't know enough about redmine and linux to know where to check next. I'm guessing maybe apache or SSL related but I don't know where to look next.

Thank you again for your confirmation on the locations. I'm glad I'm on track there.

I realized I did not post my environment so I will add that below:

  Redmine version                4.1.0.stable
  Ruby version                   2.5.7-p206 (2019-10-01) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version        
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
  Mailer delivery                smtp
  Subversion                     1.13.0
  Cvs                            1.12.13
  Git                            2.19.1
Redmine plugins:
  computed_custom_field          1.0.7
  localizable                    0.4.0
  redmine_dmsf                   2.4.2 devel
  redmineup_tags                 2.0.8

If anyone has any suggestions at all where to look next or an example of it working, as Liane said, with the /home/<user>/... folders, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

RE: FileSystem SCM shows no files - Added by Liane Hampe almost 5 years ago

Hi David,

I will try to help you further.

You wrote:

From redmine, the folder name appears correctly but no files or subfolders are visible.

Did you mean the redmine root folder? And what is your objective? Do you aim for accessing the Redmine directory with app, bin, config, db, etc.? And what do you type in the Redmine Repository settings?

Maybe there are some pre-defined settings in <redmine-root-dir>/config/configuration.yml. There is a paragraph which refers to SCM Path Validation. You can see it here source:tags/4.1.0/config/configuration.yml.example#L133. Find this file, named configuration.yml (without .example) and check it for some restrictions.

That's my idea for today. :)


RE: FileSystem SCM shows no files - Added by David Sleeman almost 5 years ago

Hi Liane

Thank you for the link. I will certainly check it out.

What I'm trying to achieve is to open up a folder on the server that can be read and viewed by the logged in members of the system for the purposes of sharing uncontrolled files. Think mounting an external drive to the server and making that drive's contents available to all to download. There are space restrictions in my case so I think I can achieve my goal with this approach.

In my test, I did


I created it for this purpose with a few dummy files. When added to my project, the link to the folder is correct and no error is shown but no files either. Changing the path to "Test2" which doesn't exist, generates the expected "can't find path" kind of error. It's been quite a ride.
