


Create Ticket under a project based on the email domain

Added by RAJ . over 4 years ago

Hi All,

We are using Redmine for to provide services to different clients. Need a help how to achieve below

Create an new issue via email under a project based on the domain name.


  • There are projects called ABC and XYZ
  • If send a mail an issue need to be created under project ABC
  • And issue under XYZ project

Replies (1)

RE: Create Ticket under a project based on the email domain - Added by Liane Hampe over 4 years ago


Did you read

Perhaps it is an option to provide the project keyword in the mail:


Otherwise, you need to hook into the process which expects the project keyword. You could provide a methods which extracts the project name from the domain and sets the project keyword accordingly before the ticket will be created from the mail.

You should do this hack via plugin in order to keep your changes when updating Redmine.

Best Regards,
