


Plugins not appearing in Plugins list

Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

I've got two plugins loaded into the /opt/redmine/vendor/plugins folder and I've done rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV="production" and I'm not seeing ANY plugins in the Administration/plugins section. thoughts?

Replies (15)

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

When I do the db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV="production" I don't get any errors.

The plugins that show up in the terminal when I do the migrate include:
acts as activity provider
acts as attachable
acts as customizable
acts as event
acts as list
acts as searchable
acts as tree
acts as versioned
acts as wachable
awesome nested set
classic pagination
open id authentication
redmine exlibrarian
redmine bots filter
ruby net ldap 0.0.4

I also attempted to install the stuff_to_do plugin but it hung up and gave me this error:
Mysql::Error: Table 'next_issues' already exists: CREATE TABLE 'next_issues' ('id' int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, 'issue_id' int(11), 'int(11), position' int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago

Those plug-ins are inbuilt & required by RedMine.

Regarding the "Stuff_To_Do" plug-in migration error:

Looks like you installed it before & the tables already exist. You have to drop or rename the table "next_issues" and run

rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV="production" 


RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago

Nanda Palaniswamy wrote:

Those plug-ins are inbuilt & required by RedMine.

So those won't show up in Administration/plugins section (only 3rd party plug-ins like "Stuff To Do", "Time Sheet", "Charts" will show up there)

Regarding the "Stuff_To_Do" plug-in migration error:

Looks like you installed it before & the tables already exist. You have to drop or rename the table "next_issues" and run


RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

Both redmine exlibrarian and redmine bots filter are not built-in. They should show up...

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

I've removed the table next_issues and run the migrate_plugins on it. And installed the Stuff_to_do plugin. But I'm still not seeing any of these plugins in the Administration/plugins page.

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago

I just checked your previous log details. My best guess is you are missing "Settings" table.
Please make sure "settings" table exists on your DB.

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

Hmmm... I also seem to be mysteriously unable to add new members to a project.

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

Settings table appears to exist.

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Caitlin Morris over 15 years ago

Never mind on the new members bit. I see how it works. I'm just being daft now. Still no plugins showing up.

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago

Try this:
  1. take a backup of "/public/plugin_assets"
  2. Remove all the folders
  3. Restart your web server
  4. make sure all the folders get created again.
Note: make sure (read, write and execute) permissions for the following folders.
  1. /files
  2. /log
  3. /tmp
  4. /public/plugin_assets

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago

Nanda Palaniswamy wrote:

Try this:
  1. take a backup of "/public/plugin_assets"
  2. Remove all the folders in "/public/plugin_assets"
  3. Restart your web server
  4. make sure all the folders get created again.
Note: make sure (read, write and execute) permissions for the following folders.
  1. /files
  2. /log
  3. /tmp
  4. /public/plugin_assets

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago


Run the following command from your RedMine application root directory, It will print out what plug-ins you have registered on your server.

ruby script/runner -e production 'pp Redmine::Plugin.registered_plugins.keys'

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by JF Boily over 14 years ago

I'm having this exact same problem.

Also, the command ruby script/runner -e production 'pp Redmine::Plugin.registered_plugins.keys'

does not work.

Help please?



RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Regan Bell over 11 years ago

Also having same problems here.
Please have a bit of patience, my sysadmin is out sick, Im a sys-analyst, not server "friendly"

So the first thing I see that is "odd", is our instance of redmine lives at

it has the config files there, but it appears to be processing the config files at

I'm not sure how to tell Redmine which environment to run under.

Regardless, when I delete the files under
they do not get built again unless I rake. (i.e. not rebuilding on sudo reboot or service apache2 restart)

I also have tried running a few variations of script/runner, but it doesn't appear sysadmin put it on the box.

Please advise on what you need to know to help me move forward. FWIW, I'm trying to install the eKanban plugin, among others.
Been following the plugin instructions verbatim with no error messages, and not seeing them getting installed.

RE: Plugins not appearing in Plugins list - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

You have resurrected a thread that's more than 3 years old, IMHO you'd be better off opening an new thread.
