


please suggest 2FA for redmine 4.1 in Alpine Docker container

Added by Andrei Ryjov over 3 years ago

Hello All

We are migrating our current Production from Redmine 3.5 running in Apache / Redhat6 to Alpine docker container with Redmine 4.1
Most of migration is done, however, we are failing to migrate the current Prod two-factor auth method via Google Auth.

The solution that runs in Redmine 3.5 Prod at the moment, is a handmade installation with "twofa" library and Ruby 2 scripts,
and directly moving it into container with Redmine 4.1 requires an effort that already exceeds the effort for the entire migration.

We tried southbridgeio/redmine_2FA, but had difficulties binding it to Google Auth.

Besides, this plugin requires more pre-requisite plugins, idevelopment tools and redis server, which doesn't quite fit in our container concept.
We also tried the out_of_band_auth plugin, nice and compact, but supports email auth code only, not Google Auth.

Can you please suggest a 2FA solution for redmine 4.1 that can be relatively easy containerized, and, ideally, can sustain future upgrades?
