


Integration with Synology MAriaDB und HyperBackup

Added by Martin Neuß about 3 years ago


i´ve installed sameersbn-redmane:4.1.2 as a docker image on my synology ds920+.

it has it´s data stored in th preinstalled mariadb10 database. access is via a linked socket file. the installation works seamlessly but when my scheduled regular backups of the diskstation have finished the link to the mariadb is broken, an internal error is reported and i have to restart the docker container.

to circumvent the problem i´ve created a task which shuts down and restarts the docker package after backup so that the connection to the database is restored and all is working again.
a not efficient and clumsy solution but at least it´s working.

has anybody a solution to this problem?

is there any way to reconnect the database automatically after the link is broken so that i don´t have to restart the entire docker container?

with best regards
