


can not access svn repository over https

Added by blues rhythm about 15 years ago

i'm runing ubuntu 9.04 jaunty server, redmine 0.8.4 & i can't access my repository which are located on another machine via address
i get

The entry or revision was not found in the repository.

been working on that for weeks, tried all the related or close issues that can solve the problem. please detalied help i'm good with linux but a total newbie when it comes to redmine & rails & alike. the last i can come across is

svn --config-dir opt/redmine/svn/.subversion log

& it's working & accepting the certificate & everything but nothing else happens

this is vital to me, if any further informations are needed please ask

the result of

ruby script/about production


About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.7 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.1
Rails version             2.1.2
Active Record version     2.1.2
Action Pack version       2.1.2
Active Resource version   2.1.2
Action Mailer version     2.1.2
Active Support version    2.1.2
Edge Rails revision       unknown
Application root          /opt/redmine
Environment               development
Database adapter          mysql

Replies (3)

RE: can not access svn repository over https - Added by Joe Clarke about 15 years ago

Try adding the following to your environment.rb:
ENV['PATH'] = "#{ENV['PATH']}:/usr/local/bin"

RE: can not access svn repository over https - Added by blues rhythm about 15 years ago

i tried that but no change at all ... i'm stuck here the documentations on redmine is very poor :(

RE: can not access svn repository over https - Added by Joe Clarke about 15 years ago

Try checking your repository on your local machine under the same user that redmine is running:
svn co --username svnusername

Once you have done that it will accept the SSL cert and may start working in Redmine.

You can also turn debug level to debug by editing the environment.rb and change the log level line to: config.log_level = :error and see if you get any other errors.
