


In-Memory Caching - Application shutting down

Added by Marvin Walter about 2 years ago

Hi there,

we have Redmine running on an Azure Container Instance, sized with a reasonable 4 cores / 4 GB RAM. However, we run into the problem that the memory is filling up gradually, up to the point where the application shuts down. This occurs regularly, up to the point when it occured every 2 hours or so.

We managed to narrow it down to Attachments (most likely pictures) being attached to tickets, and my guess is that the files are cached in the memory (and never deleted during runtime). Can anyone confirm this, and/or give me a hint to where you can disable such caching? Only thing i found similarly is this: , but we do not have an additional webserver installed (or I am unable to find it), for we are using the Docker Image provided in the Docker Hub.

Hope somebody can pint me in the right direction <3

Our Redmine Config is as follows:

Redmine version 4.1.2.stable
Ruby version 2.6.7-p197 (2021-04-05) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter PostgreSQL

Replies (1)

RE: In-Memory Caching - Application shutting down - Added by Marvin Walter about 2 years ago

Just for future beings stumbling onto this thread: We solved the problem by using another webserver, suspecting the webricks garbage collection to be the problem. Using the latest version supported with our Plugins on the passenger webserver solved the problem for us.

Regards, Marvin
