URLs in email body get mutilated
Added by F H about 2 years ago
Redmine version 5.0.2.stable
Ruby version 3.0.2-p107 (2021-07-07) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version 6.1.6
Redmine Silencer 2 version 0.4.3
Hello everyone.
When sending Mails, Redmine seems to alter and mutilate URLs in the text body of the mail .
Example: (boldening for highlighting the changed parts)
Same for using preformatted text for code, where then partially things get simply omitted in the send mail for the recipient.
Sending the mail as plan text (textile) or HTML does not change this behaviour.
What could be something i might look into, that might be causing this?
Can someone please help, as searching online did not yield any solutions.
Thank you.
Replies (1)
RE: URLs in email body get mutilated
Added by F H almost 2 years ago
Anybody that could help out with this? It still persists.