Workflow modifications ignored
Added by Andreas M about 2 years ago
in the admin panel > Workflow I want to change the worflow for custom role, tracker and issue statuses.
When I change an setting, no change is shown after clicking the save button.
Also the new workflow is not useable.
Instead options for handling when own ticket and so on is shown.
Redmine Version is 4.2.10 and 5.0.5 manual install on Windows (upgraded over ages)
docker container no problem
on an test installation 5.05
It looks as if the change is written to database but couldn't be loaded.
Replies (1)
RE: Workflow modifications ignored
Added by Andreas M about 2 years ago
years ago i moved from mysql to mssql. Looks like the conversion of the bittype coloumns in workflows tables was wrong for ages (didn't change something in the workflows sections)