


Please teach me how to make Bitnami Redmine (Windows version) fetch the email contents to create ticket automatically

Added by Bui Chau about 1 year ago

Hello everyone,
Good day.

I have built a Redmine system on my spare PC, and now, I want to fetch the email contents to create ticket automatically.
It means, when a staff in my company sends a request email to my email address, Redmine system will fetch email contents to create ticket automatically.
I found this on the Bitnami's homepage but seems it does not work on Windows version.
My system can send email normaly via email configuration (Office 365 infra).

Can you teach me how to setup / configure it?

Thank you very much!

Replies (1)

RE: Please teach me how to make Bitnami Redmine (Windows version) fetch the email contents to create ticket automatically - Added by Brian BB about 1 year ago

I have not tried the method shown at this link

However, I do have the fetching with POP/IMAP working and it works well. The caveat is that you need to enable POP or IMAP on the server, and if you are using Office365, I am not sure they provide that login method (I could be wrong).

If you do have access to pop/imap connections on your Office365, then its just a matter of creating a scheduled task which would run a command like this:

rake -f /opt/bitnami/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_pop3 RAILS_ENV="production" host=HOST port=PORT ssl=1 username=USERNAME password=PASSWORD allow_override=project,tracker,priority unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1

your hostname will be the Office365 server you use. port will likely be 995(pop) or 993(imap). username/password - you would know those.

Scroll down the page in the link above to see the options you can specify in the "allow_override". My allow override looks like:


Create the scheduled task, and have it run every X minutes (whether user is logged in or not, so you will provide your Windows credentials to create the task)
