Lock inactive users in Group
Added by Mohamed El Habchi over 1 year ago
I'm trying to create a rake file which will be linked to crontab, and will have the ability to lock users which are inactive for 90 days in the group ID 600, but something is not correct in the file
namespace :redmine do
desc "Lock inactive users"
task lock_inactive_users: :environment do
inactive_users = User.joins(:groups)
.where('groups.id = ?', 600)
.where(type: 'User')
.where('last_login_on < ?', 90.days.ago)
inactive_users.find_each(batch_size: 500) do |user|
user.update(status: User::STATUS_LOCKED)
puts "User #{user.login} (ID: #{user.id}) has been locked."