


Missing news on the main page / customizing top menu

Added by Thilo Kiefert 10 months ago

Hi all,

I just moved and upgraded Redmine including three plugins from version 4.1.1 (installed via Bitnami on a Windows virtual machine) to version 5.0.5 (manually installed on Debian) using the same theme for the new version. That went pretty smooth (except some issues I had with installing apache on Debian, but that's not redmine's fault ;-) ). After upgrading the news section on the main page is not visible though there are news entries and this project is public. I even added a new entry for testing purposes. In the html code I found the following entry:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Intranet: Letzte News" href="https://[...].de/news.atom?key=46e0fd6b82ccc3164842049181b1e9c2b77fa6e0" />

Does anyone have an idea where I could have a look why the news area is not displayed?

Further, we had a customized top menu showing all available projects depending on the user.
Anonymous user:

Logged in admin user:

We used the plugin "Additionals". Unfortunately it seems that in the current version of this plugin Doesn't support this feature any more.

That's the config menu of the old version:

And here's the config menu of the old version:

Edited: I found this documentation to edit any menu: So I was able to add additional links to the menu and remove existing links. Is it possible to show a link in the menu only if I'm member of a specific project? My code looks looks like this right now:

  menu :top_menu, :wiki, "", caption: 'Wiki', after: :main
  menu :top_menu, :admin_wiki, "", caption: 'Admin Wiki', after: :wiki
  menu :top_menu, :issues, "", caption: 'Ticketsystem', after: :admin_wiki
  delete_menu_item :top_menu, :my_page
  delete_menu_item :top_menu, :projects

Would be nice, if it was something like that:

  menu :top_menu, :wiki, "", caption: 'Wiki', after: :main
  [if member of project k-w-admin-wiki]
  menu :top_menu, :admin_wiki, "", caption: 'Admin Wiki', after: :wiki
  menu :top_menu, :issues, "", caption: 'Ticketsystem', after: :admin_wiki

If you need any further information please let me know.

Best regards