project closing closes all projects
Added by Peter Kövesdi over 1 year ago
Strange issue, but the question is it an issue or just a maloperation on my side?
We have several projects side-by-side (no subprojects involved), but whenever I close one of these, all others get closed too. If I reopen it, then alle get reopened (also the ones that I marked closed manually inside the database table -> status set to 5).
Any hint what might be wrong?
Replies (1)
RE: project closing closes all projects
Added by Peter Kövesdi over 1 year ago
Ok, I found it out: our incoming migration from trac led to wrongly filled out lft and rgt fields in the database table `projects`. With a flat project structure it's easy to fix : all lft must become rising uneven numbers starting from 1, all rgt must become rising even numbers starting from 2.