


Unforeseen problem on shared hosting with cPanel

Added by Andrea Grillini about 1 year ago

I was trying a Redmine upgrade in a directory and with a virtual host dedicated to the test.
My reference is a the URL below.

I'm dealing with a shared hosting environment , and the configuration is made with cPanel .
I attach a screenshot of it. A similar configuration is in use with the Redmine instance in use, and it is working.

I also watched the video at the URL below.
It turned out I didn't omitted anything concerning the usage of cPanel.
I simply followed the instructions for upgrading, while in the video the installation is involved, instead.

On the test context, though, with the apparently up to date installation, in the browser I get a file listing instead of the redmine instance .
I'm not experienced with Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
What did I wrong? What should I check?

Thanks in advance!


configuration.png (61.4 KB) configuration.png configuration