


phoebus-olog Configuration Authentication Error

Added by Alptug Demirarslan 6 months ago


I am trying to setup olog so I can create and view logs on my nsls2-phoebus. First of all I will explain the steps and my latest problem. I have fallowed the github/phoebus-olog setup ( doing this I have downloaded elasticsearch(8.2.3) mongodb(7.0.5) openJDK(17.0.9) and got a build successful message on all of them and starting the service I could see my build was succesfull on IP:8080/Olog with this message;

{ "name" : "Olog Service", "version" : "4.7.4-SNAPSHOT", "elastic" : { "status" : "Connected", "clusterName" : "elasticsearch", "clusterUuid" : "EWlQSA_GRwWiJaXDnIFFgQ", "version" : "co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.ElasticsearchVersionInfo@b95ccb4", "elasticHost" : "localhost", "elasticPort" : "9200" }, "mongoDB" : "{type=STANDALONE, servers=[{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, roundTripTime=18.3 ms, state=CONNECTED}]", "serverConfig" : { "maxFileSize" : 15.0, "maxRequestSize" : 50.0 } }

after this step I started the configuration process and now can create logbooks but cannot see them in my Log Entry Table also I can do this with any username password. Also in the Credentials Management login page when I try to login to logbook I get "com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: Connection refused" error and get the same error, even with different User Name and password. My configuration file, my file and my authentication error image are insterted below any help is much appreciated.