


I can't attach files bigger than 1MB

Added by Ramiro Padín 1 day ago

We have an issue with attached files, we cant attach files bigger than 1Mb.

We tried to change the Admin>Config>files size of files, increase it to 30Mb, and the issue persist.
We tried to change the propertie "client_max_body_size" to 30Mb on nginx config files and the issue persist.
We tried also doing a reboot.

Redmine is running over Ubuntu Linux.


Replies (1)

RE: I can't attach files bigger than 1MB - Added by Ramiro Padín 1 day ago

Ramiro Padín wrote:

We have an issue with attached files, we cant attach files bigger than 1Mb.

We tried to change the Admin>Config>files size of files, increase it to 30Mb, and the issue persist.
We tried to change the propertie "client_max_body_size" to 30Mb on nginx config files and the issue persist.
We tried also doing a reboot.

Redmine is running over Ubuntu Linux.


The entire enviroment description:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

Redmine version 5.1.2.stable
Ruby version 3.0.2-p107 (2021-07-07) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Redmine settings:
Redmine theme Alternate
Git 2.34.1
Redmine plugins:
additionals 3.1.0
redmine_agile 1.6.8
redmine_budgets 1.0.5
redmine_checklists 3.1.23
redmine_contacts 4.4.0
redmine_contacts_helpdesk 4.2.2
redmine_contacts_invoices 4.2.9
redmine_drive 1.2.1
redmine_finance 2.1.9
redmine_people 1.6.5
redmine_products 2.2.2
redmine_questions 1.0.5
redmine_reporter 2.0.4
redmine_resources 2.0.1
redmine_work_time 0.4.1
redmine_zenedit 2.0.6
