Please I realy need some help!!!
Added by Macbeth Perez over 15 years ago
I´m administrating the Redmine in my enterprise and users cannot autenticate en Ldap II already configured it and it says that the conection is correct but when the user fron Ldap tries to log in is wrong.
Replies (2)
RE: Please I realy need some help!!!
Added by Raimer Joycet Rodriguez Rojas over 15 years ago
Hello Macbeth.....
I beleve that you problem is that you not chek the button of ¨on the fly user¨. You must try this option. Good Look in you work....See you.
RE: Please I realy need some help!!!
Added by Macbeth Perez over 15 years ago
I proved that option but it did not give result me, thanks. If you know which can help with the subject the let me to know to me.