When to run Repository.fetch_changesets scripts?
Added by Andy McMaster over 15 years ago
Each time I add repository to a project I seem to have to run
C:\> ruby "C:\Program Files\BitNami Redmine Stack\apps\redmine\script\runner" "R epository.fetch_changesets" -e production
to get the repo to appear. Is there a problem with running this as a scheduled job each night? Would this also have the same effect as triggering new changesets for the activity in a project? Or would I still be better linking that to a post commit hook?
Replies (3)
RE: When to run Repository.fetch_changesets scripts?
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
I have mine scheduled to run every hour, it will only add new data so it's safe to schedule. If you enable Autofetch commits in the administration panel, Redmine will get them automatically for you when a user views the Repository page: http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/RedmineSettings#Autofetch-commits
RE: When to run Repository.fetch_changesets scripts?
Added by Andy McMaster over 15 years ago
Thanks Eric.
Must read the documentation a bit more before posting!
RE: When to run Repository.fetch_changesets scripts?
Added by Robert Rath over 12 years ago
Just to expand on this issue a little further. Eric's suggestion to enable 'Autofetch' for commits only works for actually reviewing the repository directly in Redmine. Autofetch does not automatically collect updated repository information in other views such as changesets in the Activity view.
To ensure Redmine has up to date repository information in views other than the Repository view you need the external push via Repository.fetch_changesets. Rather than schedule this as you have done Andy, I'd suggest you go with your post commit hook especially if you have a large number of users and a lot of repository activity.