


Associated Revision

Added by Metin Doslu over 15 years ago

What commands should I add to comment area at subversion revision area in order to associate new revision with a specific issue? I want revision number to be showed at issue page.


Replies (5)

RE: Associated Revision - Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago

use the format: rnnn
where the "r" is fixed and 999 refers to your revision number

or in the subversion comments use: #nnn
where "#" is fixed and nnn refers to the issue number

RE: Associated Revision - Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago

oeps small mistake:
use the format: rnnn
where the "r" is fixed and "nnn" refers to your revision number

RE: Associated Revision - Added by Metin Doslu over 15 years ago

I'm adding #nnn in the subversion comments, but that version does not appears in the issue page. I do not see any "Associated revisions" section.

RE: Associated Revision - Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago

It does work when Redmine can relate both to each other I suppose.
So "#" for the issue in the commit and the "r" in the issue description.

Or am I wrong in this?

RE: Associated Revision - Added by Metin Doslu over 15 years ago

Thanks to Adam Żochowski,problem is solved.

click administration -> settings -> repositories .

There you will find two entries: 'Referencing keywords' and 'Fixing keywords'. You can change them to match your country preference. Keywords are comma separated. In the commit message use space between keyword and issue number (good: "" refs #1234 "" bad: "" refs#1234 "")

Kind regards

Adam Żochowski
