


How ca I change the Tracker of an issue *AFTER* the issue has been created?

Added by fabio vitale almost 17 years ago

I need to change the tracker of an issue from Bug to Feature, since I have erroneusly put it under the Bug Tracker.
I can I accomplish this?

Replies (2)

RE: How ca I change the Tracker of an issue *AFTER* the issue has been created? - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

You have to have that right in your role.
If you're talking about your redmine instance, connect as admin, then give you the proper role or add "move issue" right to your role. Reconnect as simple user, change your issue nature.
If it's in redmine, just notify it by updating your issue, jplang will move it if necessary when he'll read it.

RE: How ca I change the Tracker of an issue *AFTER* the issue has been created? - Added by fabio vitale almost 17 years ago

I discovered that I can "Move" that issue to the same project it belongs, changing the tracker during the move.
