how to edit existing tickets?
Added by panta rhei over 16 years ago
first of all thank you for this great tool. i just updated my installation a few days ago (Rev. 1415)
it looks like i cant edit ticket subject and description anymore.
my user is in a group that owns all rights. but i can't see any link or button for editing an
existing ticket. updating the ticket is possible.
found nothing neither in changelogs nor in the forums.
am i missing something?
Replies (6)
RE: how to edit existing tickets? - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
Running 1423, I don't see anymore the little green pen that enalbed issue edition. I think you found out a regression. Please, open a defect and link it to this thread.
Thank you for reporting.
RE: how to edit existing tickets? - Added by panta rhei over 16 years ago
is solved. there's a link "more". clicking on that link shows the needed fields. ;)
was my fault.
RE: how to edit existing tickets? - Added by Tatiana Tvardovskaya over 14 years ago
It looks that the bug has reproduced again: link "more" is missing in the Move dialog.
Also, this fialog doe not have "Change properties" title.
missing-more-link.jpg (34.3 KB) missing-more-link.jpg |
RE: how to edit existing tickets? - Added by Tatiana Tvardovskaya over 14 years ago
I have finally found the 'more' link. Feature have moved.
It is now shown in the Update dialog:
Please update RedmineIssues wiki page.
Otherwise it is hard to find this feature.
more-link.jpg (48.6 KB) more-link.jpg |
RE: how to edit existing tickets? - Added by Tatiana Tvardovskaya over 14 years ago
RedmineIssues wiki page is now updated.
New yellow pencil icon - Added by Harry Wood almost 10 years ago
And in later versions it's yellow pencil icon
...but in both versions I have spent a long time looking for how to edit the bug description. I must be missing something, but is that not a basic thing that a user might want to do? Why is this so well hidden?