


Create users from script/console

Added by Hans Fangohr over 15 years ago

Dear all, (and in particular redmine developers and more experience redmine users),

because redmine is such a useful tool, we like to use it with a large group of users.

We have already a list of user names, emails and corresponding logins that all need to become users of the redmine installation. I was hoping we could write a (ruby) script that creates Users, rather than having to enter them individually via the Administration Web interface.

Using the console, we can see User entries, for example for the first user (which I guess is always admin):

redmine@eta:~/0.8-stable$ script/console production
Loading production environment (Rails 2.1.2)
>> User.all[0]
=> #<User id: 1, login: "admin", hashed_password:
"6fba37452643c5e<snip>7087af1d", firstname: "First", lastname: 
"Administrator", mail: "some_email@somewhere", mail_notification: true, 
admin: true, status: 1, last_login_on: "2009-09-12 21:46:59", language: 
"en", auth_source_id: nil, created_on: "2009-07-30 06:49:03", updated_on: 
"2009-09-12 21:46:59", type: "User">

Is it possible to create users from the console? I was hoping something like:

>> bob ={:login => "Bob", :firstname => "Test", 

might do the trick, but judging by the output:
=> #<User id: nil, login: "", hashed_password: "", firstname: "Test", 
lastname: "Dummy", mail: "test@testing.test", mail_notification: true, 
admin: false, status: 1, last_login_on: nil, language: "", auth_source_id: 
nil, created_on: nil, updated_on: nil, type: nil>

it is not quite right.

Could anybody point me to a working piece of code for this (or similar), or some documentation? Or tell me that this is impossible?

I have checked the manual, howtos, faqs, and searched the forum with no success yet.

Many thanks,


Output from script/about:

Ruby version 1.8.7 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version 1.2.0
Rails version 2.1.2
Active Record version 2.1.2
Action Pack version 2.1.2
Active Resource version 2.1.2
Action Mailer version 2.1.2
Active Support version 2.1.2
Application root /home/redmine/0.8-stable
Environment development
Database adapter mysql

Replies (8)

RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

Some of the fields on User are protected so they can't be mass assigned (e.g. from the Hash of attributes you passed to This is done for security, but you can assign values to them individually.

user ={:firstname => "Test", :lastname=>"Dummy",:mail=>"test@testing.test"})
user.login = 'Bob'
user.password = 'password'
user.password_confirmation = 'password'
user.valid?   # will return true if the user is valid       # will be set to an integer automatically when saved.

If user.valid? returns false, run puts user.errors.full_messages to print out the errors that need to be fixed on the user. Let me know if you have any other questions, I've done a lot of bulk record creation in Redmine.

Eric Davis

RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Hans Fangohr over 15 years ago

Hi Eric,

fantastic-- just the information I needed; thank you for the prompt, concise and accurate reply. Your example above works flawlessly:

>> redmine@eta:~/0.8-stable$ script/console production
Loading production environment (Rails 2.1.2)
>>  user ={:firstname => "Test", :lastname=>"Dummy",:mail=>"test@testing.test"})
=> #<User id: nil, login: "", hashed_password: "", firstname: "Test", lastname: "Dummy", 
mail: "test@testing.test", mail_notification: true, admin: false, status: 1, last_login_on: nil, 
language: "", auth_source_id: nil, created_on: nil, updated_on: nil, type: nil>
>> user.login = 'Bob'
=> "Bob" 
>> user.password = 'password'
=> "password" 
>> user.password_confirmation = 'password'
=> "password" 
>> user.valid? 
=> true
=> true
=> 14

I would like these users to use an LDAP authentication mechanism, which is the first LDAP source in the redmine installation (at least this is my guess, the relevant entry of user.auth_source_id is 1 for manually entered users. So I have tried

>> bob.auth_source_id
=> nil
>> bob.auth_source_id=1
=> 1
=> true

and this seems to work, too.

What I couldn't solve is this:

I'd like Bob to be a 'Developer' for project 3, and a 'Reporter' for project '4'. Just setting [3, 4] to user.project_ids fails, presumably because I haven't defined Bob's role for these projects.

Would you have an example for setting the project and role as well?

Many thanks,


RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

You will need to create a Member for each user/project. It tracks which Roles each use has. Something like this should work

member =
member.user = User.find_by_login('Bob')
member.project = Project.find(3)
member.role = Role.find_by_name('Developer')

(I'm on a newer version where the API changed, but this should work on Redmine 0.8)

Eric Davis

RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Hans Fangohr about 15 years ago

Hi Eric,

that's great -- we got it all to work now.

Many thanks,


RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Anthony Frost almost 15 years ago

(I'm on a newer version where the API changed, but this should work on Redmine 0.8)

This gives me "undefined method 'role='" on 0.8.7.devel, do I need to be using the newer API and if so could you give me a sample please? I've got 80-something users to add to 5 projects and I really don't want to do them all by hand if I can help it!


RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Eric Davis almost 15 years ago

Anthony Frost wrote:

(I'm on a newer version where the API changed, but this should work on Redmine 0.8)

This gives me "undefined method 'role='" on 0.8.7.devel, do I need to be using the newer API and if so could you give me a sample please?

Yes, in the latest 0.9 and trunk version a Member can have multiple roles. Change my line 4 above to:

member.roles = [Role.find_by_name('Developer')]

Eric Davis

RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Anthony Frost almost 15 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Yes, in the latest 0.9 and trunk version a Member can have multiple roles. Change my line 4 above to:

Wonderful, works a treat.

Next step: Persuade the rest of the College staff to use it.

RE: Create users from script/console - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 11 years ago

I need to delete Redmine's role Role1 but save all members with this role in projects, so I need to move all members from Role1 to Role2.
How to do this?
