Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Albrecht Backhaus over 15 years ago
I am having problems receiving emails in redmine. I still ran into the following error:
Processing MailHandlerController#index (for at 2009-11-12 08:03:18) [POST] Parameters: {"unknown_user"=>"accept", "allow_override"=>"project,tracker,priority", "issue"=>{"project"=>"foo"}, "key"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "email"=>"From: email content"} Completed in 5ms (View: 0, DB: 1) | 422 Unprocessable Entity [http://xxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx/mail_handler]
I read up and down the forums, wiki and googled the web. Nothing really helpful to find.
Can anybody please help me to solve this issue ?
Replies (8)
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Albrecht Backhaus over 15 years ago
got help in IRC in the meantime - issue was the parameter project must be the identifier not the name.
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Jaroslav K. over 15 years ago
I have the same problem and resolved it by using "project=[projectID]".
But despite that, I cannot create new issue from not authenticated user :/ I make project public but that not helped.
Can you help me? Must I show some more logs?
Thank you!
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Albrecht Backhaus over 15 years ago
Have a look here . You will find another option explained in that file (read hints at the top re --unknown-user=ACTION) which allows you to let unknown users send mails into redmine.
I could not find that explanation in a FAQ or wiki and stumbled over it during my quest for help when I had this problem too.
Regards, Albrecht
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Jaroslav K. over 15 years ago
Albrecht Backhaus wrote:
Have a look here . You will find another option explained in that file (read hints at the top re --unknown-user=ACTION) which allows you to let unknown users send mails into redmine.
I could not find that explanation in a FAQ or wiki and stumbled over it during my quest for help when I had this problem too.Regards, Albrecht
Thank you very much for your response and help.
As I understand "rdm-mailhandler" is for reading of emails from standard input ("Reads an email from standard input and forward it to a Redmine server through a HTTP request."). We need fetching via IMAP (rake -f /apps/redmine-0.8.7/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap ...).
Redmine version 0.8.4 reports about not defined parameter "--unknown-user".
When updated to 0.8.7 version: if using parameter --unknown-user (say --unknown-user=accept) - there is no action at all (no connect to the IMAP server, no errors even with --trace option). When running command without "--unknown-user=accept" - mailbox is checked and mails from unknown users (not registered in Redmine) are marked as read, but no issue is added to Redmine.
Maybe I should start new thread? Thank you!
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Albrecht Backhaus over 15 years ago
Hello Jaroslav, these parameter should work with the IMAP server as well. But there are some more settings being involved in that issue. Have a look here #3554.
The project needs to be "public" or anonymous email creation will fail.
Regards, Albrecht
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Reza ISSANY about 15 years ago
I have the same problem actually : 422 Unprocessable Entity
I receive by mail :
<>: permission denied. Command output: Request was
denied by your Redmine server. Possible reasons: email is sent from an
invalid email address or is missing some information
I'm running the version 0.9.2 of redmine and any of input mails function.
I have tried to put "--unknown-user=accept" option, but it doesn't works.
Any idea please ? Thanks in advance for your helps.
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Reza ISSANY about 15 years ago
Some logs :
Processing MailHandlerController#index (for xx.xx.xx.xx at 2010-02-17 15:10:57) [POST]
Parameters: {"no_permission_check"=>"", "unknown_user"=>"accept", "allow_override"=>"tracker,priority,category,project", "issue"=>{"project"=>"test", "tracker"=>"Evolution"}, "key"=>"aoLgy8wXllgMtjp1A3LM", "email"=>"From Wed Feb 17 15:10:57 2010\nReturn-Path: <>\nX-Original-To:\nDelivered-To:\nReceived: from ( [])\n\tby (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6693E5FE073\n\tfor <>; Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:10:57 +0100 (CET)\nReceived: from (localhost [])\n\tby (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id E24A4800036D\n\tfor <>; Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:10:56 +0100 (CET)\nReceived: from (localhost [])\n\tby (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id D4A4D8000396\n\tfor <>; Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:10:56 +0100 (CET)\nReceived: from ( [2xx.xx.xx4])\n\tby (SMTP Server) with ESMTP id 8BDFA800036D\n\tfor <>; Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:10:56 +0100 (CET)\nX-ME-UUID:\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5\nContent-class: urn:content-classes:message\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain;\n\tcharset=\"us-ascii\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nSubject: tes issue\nDate: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 15:10:48 +0100\nMessage-ID: <E6356C9DBE377740A821A93437D419B7E0A746@xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx>\nX-MS-Has-Attach: \nX-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \nThread-Topic: tes issue\nThread-Index: Acqv2wEFsE2cVuWFSlqmFXgF24zPjg==\nFrom: \"reza\" <>\nTo: <>\n\nproject=3Dinbox\ntracker=3DEvolution\nallow_override=3Dtracker,priority\n\n\n\n"}
Completed in 3ms (View: 0, DB: 0) | 422 Unprocessable Entity []
RE: Problem receiving emails in redmine -> 422 Unprocessable Entity []
Added by Jaroslav K. about 15 years ago
you must put not "--unknown-user=accept" but "unknown-user=accept" (without dashes in front).
For more options:
This works for my in 0.9.2 stable version of Redmine.
The problem for me is the fact, that I cannot found the solution of sending mail back to users from Redmine.. :/ I wish to send issue summary to external users. Redmine-ezsummary - is something, that is almost that, what I'm searching for, but it is not working with 0.9.2
We use Redmine with LDAP authentication, so "unknown-user=create" is not working too..