Open Source - owner vs. main drivers
Added by Tim Harris over 15 years ago
Dear All,
Actually I am still embarrased about the functions redmine is offering to professionals. We are using this tool very effectively all day. As I am aware of the Open Source Movement and the effort many people dedicate to the product, I am still asking myself if there is a team that can be named the driver of this project. Or is there a list of firms, of who develop or adapt plug-ins to the product under the licence. I am interested in getting in contact with them and to discuss some opportunities to participate in the movement.
Replies (1)
RE: Open Source - owner vs. main drivers
Added by Eric Davis about 15 years ago
Tim Harris:
I'm having a difficult time understanding what you are asking.
Are you asking who are the main contributers to the project? The Overview and Repository show the contributors.
Are you asking who created the project? That's Jean-Philippe Lang.
Are you asking if there is anyone who develop plugins for Redmine? I do as part of my company, Little Stream Software.
I hope I was able to answer your questions.
Eric Davis