422 Unprocessable Entity [http://XXX/mail_handler]
Added by Syn Admin about 15 years ago
I've finally got my e-mail to NEARLY work - but I'm getting stuck on this:
Processing MailHandlerController#index (for at 2009-12-02 14:39: 49) [POST] Session ID: 4f2b1decac3a6636d9c7dd670c4c65e7 Parameters: {"unknown_user"=>"accept", "action"=>"index", "allow_override"=>"", "controller"=>"mail_handler", "issue"=>{"project"=>"helpdesk", "tracker"=>"support"}XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSubject: TEST TICKET\n\nTEST TICKET\n\nProject: helpdesk\nTracker: support\n\n"} Completed in 0.00367 (272 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00023 (6%) | DB: 0.00152 (41% ) | 422 Unprocessable Entity [http://XXX/mail_handler]
I've looked through here and haven't found anything that worked when I tried it. I've done all little tips/tricks that have been posted, but to no avail...
Replies (3)
RE: 422 Unprocessable Entity [http://XXX/mail_handler]
Added by Syn Admin about 15 years ago
Just so that you can see what I've been sending in and how I get my e-mail over to the redmine server I'm using:
helpdesk: "|/root/scripts/rdm-mailhandler.rb --url=http://XXX.XXXXXXXXX.XXX --key=XXX --project=HELPDESK --tracker=Support --allow-override=tracker --unknown-user=accept"
And this is the email I've been sending in:
This is a new issue that overrides a few attributes [...] Project: HELPDESK Tracker: Support
RE: 422 Unprocessable Entity [http://XXX/mail_handler]
Added by Peter Fern about 15 years ago
This will happen if you have an unrecognised email address - otherwise you don't know which user to map the response to, and anyone could spam your project tracker. So, make sure you are sending email from an address that is associated with a user account in Redmine.
RE: 422 Unprocessable Entity [http://XXX/mail_handler]
Added by Peter Fern about 15 years ago
Also, if you're running your email server as root, don't.