Global Filter Plugin Not Working?
Added by Michael Lissner about 15 years ago
I just installed the global filter plugin, and it doesn't seem to work. It shows up in my plugin list (with no settings), and on my home page, it says "Global Filters", but it doesn't list any filters. I've tried to look around to see if I need to create those filters, but I can't figure it out. Anybody have any thoughts?
Replies (1)
RE: Global Filter Plugin Not Working?
Added by Michael Lissner about 15 years ago
I think I got it. Need to do more reading, less skimming. From the description:
Filters are queries that are used to filter issues pertaining to a project or all issues across projects. These filters can be created using the 'Add Filter' UI in the 'Filters' block above the issue list in the 'View all issues'/ the Issues page of any project. And saved with a name for future use by everyone, in the case of a 'public' filter, or by yourself when otherwise.