


Need help with Markdown plug-ins

Added by Michael R about 15 years ago

Hi all,

I'm almost certain that I'm doing something stupid because I can't find any other indication of similar problems. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I'm evaluating Redmine. I exported the 0.9-stable branch yesterday, the install process went very smoothly, and everything that I tested appears to be working as expected.

I then installed the redmine_markdown_formatter ( and restarted the web server. Under Admin->Plugins I see the Markdown formatter listed.

However, when I create a new wiki page or edit an existing page, Markdown syntax does not work properly (i.e. everything appears as it did before installing the plugin).

I tried creating new projects, and using the redmine_markdown_extra_formatter ( but the behaviour is the same.

I know that the plug-in code is loading up at boot, because, in addition to seeing the plugins listed on the Admin->Plugins page, I can force a crash by modifying the plug-in code to deliberately introduce a bug.

Do I need to flip a switch somewhere to get this to work?

Thanks very much,

Replies (4)

RE: Need help with Markdown plug-ins - Added by Michael R about 15 years ago

Some additional detail, in case it is helpful:

$> ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [universal-darwin10.0]
$> rails --version
Rails 2.3.5

Also note that I'm using Webrick on Mac OS 10.6.1 with sqlite and r3307 of Redmine 0.9-stable.

RE: Need help with Markdown plug-ins - Added by Michael R about 15 years ago


$> RAILS_ENV=production script/about

About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.7 (universal-darwin10.0)
RubyGems version          1.3.5
Rack version              1.0
Rails version             2.3.5
Active Record version     2.3.5
Active Resource version   2.3.5
Action Mailer version     2.3.5
Active Support version    2.3.5
Application root          /Users/mjr/Desktop/redmine/0.9-stable
Environment               production
Database adapter          sqlite3
Database schema version   20091227112908

About your Redmine plugins
Markdown formatter         0.0.1
Markdown Extra formatter   0.0.2

RE: Need help with Markdown plug-ins - Added by Alexander Tsvyashchenko about 15 years ago

I assume that you've changed "Text formatting" option under Administration -> Settings -> General tab, right?

RE: Need help with Markdown plug-ins - Added by Michael R about 15 years ago

Thanks Alexander -- that was the issue. I managed to scour all of the Settings tabs except General. Unfortunately this detail is missing from the plugins' docs.
