Adding variable to the Safe array?
Added by Gary Mort almost 15 years ago
Sorry about the simplistic question, but I'm new to ruby on rails.
I installed the acts_as_taggable_on plugin and setup a plugin to use it to add some variables to issues.
I was able to add the fields to the form and make issue taggable on multiple contexts, but the tag fields just would NOT save. Manually calling the tag save event with some data would work.
Finally, I have up on the plugin and edited the issue model and controller itself and had the same issue, until I added platform_list[I had used platforms as my tag constext, so platform_list is the SAFE_ATTRIBUTES constant: SAFE_ATTRIBUTES = %w(
) unless const_defined?(:SAFE_ATTRIBUTES)
From what I can see here, what is happening is that redmine is removing all the issue fields sent in the put request which are not in this array. So my attempt and adding tags kept getting deleted on submit.
So my question is how would I modify this constant from within my own plugin? I don't want to redeclare it entirely, I just want to append to it my own variables so they don't get scrubbed.
Replies (4)
RE: Adding variable to the Safe array?
Added by Nick Peelman over 14 years ago
I’m looking for the same solution.
They have completely broken the ability to easily extend at least the issue model with this addition. I don’t know what other models they have given this treatment to...
RE: Adding variable to the Safe array?
Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago
I agree, it's broken some of my code twice now. Could you file a bug report for it?
If you want to work around it, you can use a plugin hook and set the attribute directly:
Eric Davis
RE: Adding variable to the Safe array?
Added by Nick Peelman over 14 years ago
Way ahead of you. #6000.
Eric Davis wrote:
I agree, it's broken some of my code twice now. Could you file a bug report for it?
If you want to work around it, you can use a plugin hook and set the attribute directly:
Eric Davis
RE: Adding variable to the Safe array?
Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 14 years ago
Nick Peelman wrote:
Way ahead of you. #6000.
... with the same workaround, but I think we could all agree it's not the better way to go.