


What plugins do you use most / favorite?

Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago

Just like the subject asks: What plugins do you use most or are your current favorite?

My List:

(I don't use these all in one install, but over many)

What's Your list?

Replies (5)

RE: What plugins do you use most / favorite? - Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

Here's what I'm running at Little Stream Software

Hoptoad Server                         0.0.3
Bulk Time Entry                        0.5.0
Budget                                 0.2.0
Redmine Schedules plugin               0.4.2
Kanban                                 0.1.1
Download Counter                       0.1.0
Stuff To Do Plugin                     0.3.0
Embedded                               0.0.1
Project Scores Plugin                  0.0.1
Invoice plugin                         0.0.1
Redmine Wiki Issue Details plugin      0.0.1
Redmine Graphs plugin                  0.1.0
Redmine Question plugin                0.3.0
Little Stream Software Design plugin   0.1.0
Timesheet Plugin                       0.5.0
Redmine My Widgets plugin              0.1.0
Google Analytics plugin                0.1.0
Customer plugin                        0.2.0
Rate Plugin                            0.1.0

Eric Davis

data generator plugin - Added by strexy strexy over 14 years ago

Hi all, what the data generator plugin is used for?
On github page I haven't find an explanation about that.
Let me know, thanks.


RE: What plugins do you use most / favorite? - Added by Muntek Singh over 14 years ago

It is a plugin to populate your redmine installation with random data. Usefull for load testing and other types of testing. It is used at the redmine demo site also.

My fork has an updated readme that hasn't been pulled into master yet that is more useful:

RE: What plugins do you use most / favorite? - Added by strexy strexy over 14 years ago

ok, thanks for the explanation.


RE: What plugins do you use most / favorite? - Added by Jan Schenck about 14 years ago

These are my Plugins, i would love to here about from more persons.

Bulk Time Entry 0.4.0
Redmine Bugcloud plugin
Redmine Graphs plugin 0.1.0
Issue Importer 0.3.1
Redmine My Widgets 0.1.0
Issue Resources 0.1.2
Tab Plugin 0.3.1
Stuff To Do Plugin 0.3.0
Timesheet Plugin 0.5.0

cheers jan
