[patch] Export issues to CSV - change the list of column
Added by Alexander Kulemin over 14 years ago
I was surprised, when saw, that when you click Export to CSV in issues list, you can see csv-file with fixed list of fields. No matter what you choose, - you can export only this field.
I created patch for this - it changes link Export to CSV and adds some new methods. With it You can export to csv the same table that you see on the screen.
But, it have a problem - if some of your plugins adds new column into available column list in the issues list, you can get an error when try to export this column to csv. Patch for one plugin (QuestionPlugin) I created.
P.S. Please, test it before use.
экспорт_в_csv.patch (3.38 KB) экспорт_в_csv.patch | patch - Export to CSV | ||
экспорт_в_csv_QuestionPlugin.patch (1.11 KB) экспорт_в_csv_QuestionPlugin.patch | patch - Export to CSV for Question Plugin |