


auto assigned user plugin

Added by Ludovic Gasc over 14 years ago

I've just made my first plugin for Redmine:

If an user forget to assign the issue, this plugin will auto-assign to the project manager.

Thanks for your remarks.

Replies (5)

. - Added by Anonymous almost 14 years ago


RE: auto assigned user plugin - Added by Ludovic Gasc almost 14 years ago

You must create your issue as Reporter, and you must assign an user as Manager in your project.

RE: auto assigned user plugin - Added by D W almost 14 years ago

Hello, I am on 1.1.3 and can't seem to get the auto-assignment to happen...

  • I have a role called "Auto-Assign" and added one user to it in my project.
  • I made this Auto-Assign my Project Manager role in the plugin configuration.
  • I selected all other roles as Client roles in the plugin configuration.

But when I create a new issue as a user in one of the other roles, the assignment to the one user in Auto-Assign role does not happen.

Any ideas? This is a much-needed feature so thanks for creating it!

RE: auto assigned user plugin - Added by Paul Boin almost 13 years ago

I'd like to take a look at this code, but GitHub gives me a 404.

Ludovic's page displays, but this seems to not be a public repo within it anymore...

We're up to 1.3.x by now, but I still don't think that auto-assign has been pulled into Redmine itself.
