Feasibility study: call external webservice when specific field of an issue has been updated
Added by Florent Fievez over 14 years ago
For the needs of my company, they ask me to write a redmine plugin that check if an issue status or type (custom field) has been changed and then call a remote webservice (to update another maintenance database).
I never wrote any redmine plugin.
I think I should use the after_save rails callback to execute my action :
- Check if the issue is also in the remote database (simple since there is a coming_from custom field that contain "hotline" in this case).
- If this is the case, check if "Status" of the issue has been changed, then call a webservice
- Make the same with "Issue Type" custom field
My problem is that i can't find how to check which field has been updated. Perhaps is there another callback which can be used to monitor what has been changed ? In the redmine UI there is an history of each issue, perhaps can i access it ?
I can't find any documentation about this.
Can you help me ?