any interest in a visual studio plugin to view redmine issues?
Added by Josh Evensen about 14 years ago
i've started working on one for myself. is anyone interested and, if you are, do you have any feature suggestions?
Replies (5)
RE: any interest in a visual studio plugin to view redmine issues?
Added by Ismail SEZEN about 14 years ago
It would be very nice a visual studio plugin like that. First of all, an integrated issue tracker would be nice in the visual studio. And of course, some options to modify the issue in the VS. But I'm not sure how it is possible or not.
RE: any interest in a visual studio plugin to view redmine issues?
Added by Josh Evensen about 14 years ago
i've actually already started work on something and gotten a decent amount done. I'll post it for download soon maybe! Any feature suggestions?
RE: any interest in a visual studio plugin to view redmine issues?
Added by Vincent Bruggeman almost 14 years ago
Do u already have a preview available?
RE: any interest in a visual studio plugin to view redmine issues?
Added by Tomer Weinberg about 12 years ago
two feature suggestions
Track actual Time To Fix/Time taken.
1. click on the ticket i want to work on.
2. Optional(Shooting the moon here!), by the text/component in the ticket, highlight/open the relevant code files to edit.
3. the platform is Keeping track of the Time Spent on the ticket.
:: time can be split to Netto (Time in the IDE) and Bruto (since open and way to close the Ticket)
Should come with options to "Stop working on Issue#000"
Working on an issue# will record the ID of the user working on it.
possibility to lock the code if not working on an issue.
and commit with a right message "[fix #23] changing blah and foo... tomerw<>"