Customize plugin Redmine_Scrumdashboard
Added by whoiam whoiam almost 14 years ago
Currently, plugin redmine_scrumdashboard only supports for filtering the user stories/tasks of all users or 'logged-in' user. If end-user can't select the tasks of other members in Dashboard tab.
Thus, I'm customizing that plugin so that end-user can filter the tasks of other members in Dashboard tab.
But i got an error when i get list of memeber who participates the selected project.
I put the below code into the file 'index.html.erb' of the plugin
<% members = @project.member_principals.find(:all, :include => [:roles, :principal]).sort %>
but there is an error:
undefined local variable or method `member' for #<ActionView::Base:0x11b1b038>
Please give some advices. Thank advances.
Replies (1)
RE: Customize plugin Redmine_Scrumdashboard
Added by whoiam whoiam almost 14 years ago
I add more code as below
<% members = @project.member_principals.find(:all, :include => [:roles, :principal]).sort >
< members.each do |member| >
< next if member.new_record? %>
<%= select_tag ('filter',options_for_select(link_to_user member.principal ,filter), :onchange => 'this.form.onsubmit()') %>
<% end %>
and system shows error
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
/Redmine_V2/app/helpers/application_helper.rb:48:in `link_to_user'
Please give your advices. Thanks