Easy aglie installation on CentOS 5.5
Added by Guna pmk over 13 years ago
Hi All,
I recently tried installing easy agile on a redmine installation and got into all sort of troubles. I had to spend spend some time in fixing all the problems and now have a working easy agile plugin. I thought that it is worth letting others know if they have problems already or prevent them from problems in the future. Here is the configuration of my server:
- Centos5.5-64-bit
- ruby 1.8.7
- gem 1.3.6
- Redmine 1.2.0
- easy agile plugin => from http://www.redmine.org/plugins/easy_agile
I got into problems like checking for InitializeMagick() in -lMagickCore ----No etc. I dont remember all the errors in the process of setting it up. But here are the simple steps to get this working in the above configuration:
- Install the development tools from the yum (
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
) - Install the freetype, freetype-devel, jasper and jasper-devel from yum (
yum install freetype freetype-devel jasper jasper-devel
) - If installed already, remove/upgrade ImageMagick with the ImageMagick and ImageMagick-devel from ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/linux/CentOS/x86_64/
- Ensure that you have both fontconfig and fontconfig-devel packages (
yum install fontconfig fontconfig-devel
) - Follow the steps in http://www.redmine.org/plugins/easy_agile except for the rmagick installation which now can be done by issuing
gem install rmagick
from the command prompt. - Restart redmine.
This is something I discovered. Please let me know if you need more information in this regard.
Replies (2)
RE: Easy aglie installation on CentOS 5.5
Added by Alex A over 13 years ago
You must post error trace here for help.
RE: Easy aglie installation on CentOS 5.5
Added by Guna pmk over 13 years ago
Apologies for the late reply Alex.
The problem is I have been beating around the bush a lot to get to this point. That's why I have given the summary here in assumption that somebody may make use of this. I hit into a lot of error messages all of which I have not saved anywhere. Besides most of them are not in any way relevant for this installation. But the only relevant thing is the error message somebody might face during the installation of rmagick (which I remember is 'InitializeMagick() in -lMagickCore ----No' with two more lines). Unfortunately I have not saved the all the error messages to present them here.