Redmine Backlog - Issues
Added by aminata sall over 13 years ago
We are currently using Redmine Backlog plugin for our agile team.
We are facing issues :
- Bugs are not showing in the task board weither we link it to a feature or we set the target version as the current sprint. It is a problem as bug fixing takes a lot of our time during a sprint. We have tried setting the plugin so the bugs show as user stories but they dont have the same workflow as a feature so the taskboard becomes useless for a bug. They also dont show in the sprint impediments line.
Please give us a feedback or any suggestion on how we can use the plugin, have a 100% visibility on all the taks involved in a sprint ( including bug fixes ) .
Thanks in advance
Replies (1)
RE: Redmine Backlog - Issues
Added by aminata sall over 13 years ago
I just wanted to add that we also loose visibility in the subtasks. For example at a daily scrum meeting a lot of tasks do not look like they are moving as they contain subtasks that don't show in the task board and the % of completion does not show as well.
Also the subtasks don't show in the product backlog. It happens that we do not complete all the tasks in one sprint and it becomes time consuming to go into each feature to read if one or many subtaks are still open or closed.
One thing we like about this plugin is the taskboard, for those using this plugin could you please share your experience and solutions to theses matters, also if you have customised the plugin would you kindly share it with us.
For those using this plugin