Overriding model method
Added by Evgeny Tsirkin about 13 years ago
Dear forum,
I am pretty new to ruby ,so i hope this is not a total newbie question.
I am trying to make it possible to start a workflow from different statuses .
For that i am overriding IssueStatus#update_default .
(maybe this is not the best way to do it ,but let's leave this alone ).
The problem is that although the plugin is loading the method is no overridden - the old one is called.
Here is my issue_status_patch.rb (I am putting it in lib dir of the plugin )
Any help please!
require_dependency 'issue_status' module IssueStatusPatch def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.logger.debug "PATCHING ISSUE" end module ClassMethods # Returns the default status for new issues def default logger.debug "In plugin default" #find(:first, :conditions =>["is_default=?", true]) find(:all, :conditions =>["is_default=?", true]) end end module InstanceMethods def update_default_patched logger.debug "In plugin update_default" #IssueStatus.update_all("is_default=#{connection.quoted_false}", ['id <> ?', id]) if self.is_default? end end end # Add module to Issue Issue.send(:include, IssueStatusPatch)
And here is the init.rb:
require 'redmine' require 'issue_status_patch' Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_redmine_mutiple_start_issues do name 'Redmine Redmine Mutiple Start Issues plugin' author 'Tsirkin Evgeny' description 'Allow multiple start issue states' version '0.0.1' url 'http://example.com/path/to/plugin' author_url 'http://example.com/about' end