How to send an email with attachment on a plugin?
Added by Miguel Akira about 13 years ago
I developed a plugin that generates a PDF report (I used prawn to generate the PDF). Now I need to email this PDF to the user's email. Is there a way to do it?
Replies (1)
RE: How to send an email with attachment on a plugin?
Added by Miguel Akira about 13 years ago
Well I found a way, I had to extend the core Mailer method to add my mailer method.
In order to do that, I edited the init.rb of my plugin:
##init.rb # regular init.rb stuff.... require_dependency 'mailer' module MailerPatch def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) # Same as typing in the class base.class_eval do end end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods #the actual method def report(user, date) set_language_if_valid(user.language) recipients user.mail subject 'Report date #{date.month}/#{date.year}' body 'just testing' render_multipart('report', body) end end end # Add module to Issue Mailer.send(:include, MailerPatch)
Then in my plugin controller, I called the method:
@test = Mailer.deliver_report(@user, @date)
As any mailer method, I have to put 'deliver_' before the method name. So the method name is 'report', but I call it as 'deliver_method' on the controller!
That's it, I don't know if there's an easier or better way (probably yes)!