Detecting a change in an issue
Added by Brad Beattie about 16 years ago
- created with priority Immediate
- updated to priority Immediate
Thing is, I'm not sure how to accomplish this. I can certain take care of it on creation, but updating stumps me. I can't tell if the issue already was immediate or if this was changed in the edit.
Replies (3)
RE: Detecting a change in an issue
Added by Romano Silva about 16 years ago
Hey Brad,
I followed your reply to my post and I think controller_issues_new_after_save can solve my problem.
Where can I find documentation about it? In other words, how do I add the hook? Must it be written in ruby?
Brad Beattie wrote:
So I'm looking at two hooks here: controller_issues_new_before_save and controller_issues_new_after_save. I'm writing a plugin that sends out an additional email when an issue is...
- created with priority Immediate
- updated to priority Immediate
Thing is, I'm not sure how to accomplish this. I can certain take care of it on creation, but updating stumps me. I can't tell if the issue already was immediate or if this was changed in the edit.
RE: Detecting a change in an issue
Added by Brad Beattie about 16 years ago
Romano Silva wrote:
Hey Brad,
I followed your reply to my post and I think controller_issues_new_after_save can solve my problem.
Where can I find documentation about it? In other words, how do I add the hook? Must it be written in ruby?
RE: Detecting a change in an issue
Added by Florent Fievez over 14 years ago
I know this issue is very old but did you find a solution to your problem ? I have almost the same to do :
If you can bring me a way to search for ...
Thank you in advance,