


Account Controller Hook Question

Added by Michael Locke over 10 years ago

I have been working on a plug-in to perform some actions after a user successfully authenticates. Using the tutorials I found on the web, I wrote the following:

module Hooks
  class AuthSuccessHook < Redmine::Hook::Listener
    def controller_account_success_authentication_after(context)

I add my hook file (hooks/auth_success_hook) to my init.rb file and restart my server. After authenticating successfully, I get a 500 Internal Server Error page. Opening the log file, I see the following error:

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 413ms

ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)):
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `send'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `call_hook'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `each'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `call_hook'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in `tap'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in `call_hook'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:153:in `call_hook'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:229:in `successful_authentication'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:174:in `password_authentication'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:161:in `authenticate_user'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:32:in `login'

This error tells me that I did not declare a method argument in my hook file. But as you can clearly see, I do have an argument to my function. Just to prove it is not a fluke, if I change the method declaration line to this:

  def controller_account_success_authentication_after(context, params) 

The following error is returned:

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 505ms

ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)):
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `controller_account_success_authentication_after'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `send'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `call_hook'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `each'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in `call_hook'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in `tap'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in `call_hook'
  lib/redmine/hook.rb:153:in `call_hook'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:229:in `successful_authentication'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:174:in `password_authentication'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:161:in `authenticate_user'
  app/controllers/account_controller.rb:32:in `login'

So I am confused. I am not sure if this is an issue with Redmine, Ruby or Rails. Current versions in place:

Redmine: 2.3.1
Ruby: 1.8.7
Rails: 3.2.13

Any help would be appreciated.