Member selection chain
Added by Brad Beattie about 16 years ago
Given a set of projects, I'm trying to find any user that has a specific permission on any of those projects. Below is the code I thought would work.
@projects.collect(&:members).select {|m| m.role.allowed_to?(:view_schedules)}.collect {|m| m.user}.flatten.uniq
Unfortunately, this is giving me the following error.
undefined method `role' for #<Class:0x7ff2c55c8d88>
Any suggestions?
Replies (1)
RE: Member selection chain
Added by Brad Beattie about 16 years ago
Seems this did the trick.
@users = @projects.collect{|p| p.members } {|m| m.role.allowed_to?(:view_schedules)}.collect {|m| m.user}.uniq