


Custom workflows plugin: how to control availability of custom field VALUES based on Status value selection or value of another custom field.

Added by Sergey Moroz over 10 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Could you please help me understand how to implement (exact methods) using custom workflow plugin the following funtionality:
- hide some custom field values depending on what Status value is set or depending on what value is set in another custom field.

Custom field named "Resolution" with list of values:
- Value 1
- Value 2
- Value 3
- Value 4
- Value 5
So when "Status" - Rejected is selected then "Resolution" field drop down should show only the following values - Value 4 and - Value 5
If "Status" - Resolved is selected then "Resolution" field drop down should show only the following values - Value 1 - Value 2 - Value 3

The idea is to control availability of custom field VALUES based on some Status or value of another custom field.

Your help is much appreciated.


Replies (1)

RE: Custom workflows plugin: how to control availability of custom field VALUES based on Status value selection or value of another custom field. - Added by Sergey Moroz over 10 years ago

It was discussed here and here It appears no resolution has been implemented yet.
This functionality is required to implement indeed custom workflows.
