


Coexistence of CKEdit and CMS plugin

Added by Richard Rauch over 10 years ago

Hi all,
I was working already with CKEdit, which is a great plugin!
Now I installed additionally CMS plugin.

Seems that this 2 plugins are not able to co-exist. Most of my pages are not rendered; only an "Internal Error" is displayed. Knows anybody a workaround? final there a way that both plugins are interoperate?
This would mean, that I would be able to design pages inside CMS with CKEditor (WYSIWYG) instead of cryptic liquid template language?

I am working on my test server with Redmine version 2.5.1 (Bitnami Stack on Windows)

Many Thanks


Replies (3)

RE: Coexistence of CKEdit and CMS plugin - Added by Ebrahim Mohammadi over 10 years ago

I second this. I use redmine_ckeditor heavily, and I'm interested in idea of having a CMS plugin for Redmine. Why not design CMS pages using a nice CKEditor WYSIWYG editor?

Maybe we should file a feature request on or just fork and patch.

RE: Coexistence of CKEdit and CMS plugin - Added by Richard Rauch over 10 years ago

actually such a CMS plugin already exists:
I started evaluation a few days ago. It works, when I am installing it on new Redmine installation without CKEditor.
Unfotunately it is using this Liquid templating language for designing pages (which is not WYSIWYG). I am not very experienced with Redmine/Ruby Rails programming, but I assume, it could be less work to select other Editor like CKEditor for designing the pages.

RE: Coexistence of CKEdit and CMS plugin - Added by Ebrahim Mohammadi over 10 years ago

Right. Hence I mentioned filing a feature request on their site,
