


Issue Materials Used Plugin

Added by Vinicius Ferreira almost 11 years ago

I'm looking for a plugin that enables material expenses by issue, so I can track what materials and how much was used to solve the issue.

Does anyone know of a plugin that does it?


Issue title: "Slow computer and flickering screen"
Materials used:
23" LCD Screen 1un $200,00 Total: $200,00
4GB DDR3 Desktop Memory 2un $50,00 Total: $100,00
Issue total: $300,00

Replies (3)

RE: Issue Materials Used Plugin - Added by Quan VN almost 11 years ago

This may not be exact solution for you. But you can use redmine_summed_fields plugin, defined a custome field with is summable, then make each materials a sub issue, the total will be automatically summed

Another solution is you may try Redmine – Time & Expense v 1.6 by Adhi Software Pvt Ltd. It allows to declare various expenses on an issues

RE: Issue Materials Used Plugin - Added by Vinicius Ferreira almost 11 years ago

Thanks, I'll take a look.

RE: Issue Materials Used Plugin - Added by Quan VN almost 11 years ago also has invoice plugins that may solve your need
