


Is there a Cheaper Alternative to "Luxury Buttons" Plugin?

Added by Anonymous about 10 years ago

First off, I must admit Vladimir Pitin's Luxury Buttons plugin is absolutely amazing. It is, without a doubt, a much better workflow idea than the default method included in Redmine; it actually reminds me of Jira in some ways.

I can't quite justify $50 (over R530 in my local currency) for a plugin though.. Nor do I think it really needs such a fancy workflow design interface for it's own configuration (as cool as it is, only admins will see that and only when it's being configured/updated).

Does anybody know of a cheaper plugin that provides a similar end result (action buttons instead of update forms)..?

For the record, I am familiar with one called Issue Hot Buttons. It seems to be somewhat dead though (almost 2 years back) I haven't had a chance to check it's forks though. Still interested in hearing if there are any others out there though. :)