Plug-in-issue statistics usage questions & features
Added by li an over 10 years ago
I think it is a potential plug-in for issue statistics, we use redmine for defect management, and we need to get issue statistics manually now, e.g. we need to get total number of issues classified by each tracker,each priority weekly,monthly,yearly,if we have 3 trackers:bug, requirement, task, then we want to get how many tasks created as new for each month(e.g. for Oct.(from 2014/10/1 to 2014/10/31),how many bugs created as new for each year(e.g. for 2014(from 2014/1/1 to 2014/12/31), such like these datas, so hope to get the statistics using some plug-in to lessen statistics manual work effort.
Now this plug-in has implemented week,month,year,all issue statistics, and I hope to introduce this plug-in and provides more ideas for feature and improvement.
Thanks for the effort of this plug-in author firstly:)
I put the first issue here:
About graph period not consistent with issue list period,detailed description is in the attachment picture.--------It will leads misunderstanding for the graph week,month,year,all if they are not consistent.