


Can I override single function definition from core Redmine helper?

Added by Anonymous over 9 years ago

First off: I hope what I'm referring to here is indeed a function.. I don't really understand Ruby, I read it like an Englishman reads Italian; I recognise the letters, but that's about it.

For the record, I'm currently using Redmine 2.5.2. I'd like to override the "render_project_nested_lists" function defined at "/htdocs/app/helpers/application_helper.rb@256", but I'd rather not override the entire file (that is, if that works the same in plugins as overriding ".html.erb" files?).

Otherwise, instead of trying to override that function, would I be better off creating a whole new function to build the nested project list with my own structure, then overriding the "views/projects/index.html.erb" file and calling my own function?