


Looking for plugin that send extra notifications for 'Urgent'-Tickets..

Added by Klaus Friese over 9 years ago


We're using redmine for a while now we're receiving many notifications every day. And sometimes we don't see a new ticket with priority 'URGENT'. Or we see a new ticket, but it's late and we thing 'Ah - I'll read this tomorrow'.

My question: Is there a plugin that sends extra notifications to a list of users or a group for all tickets with priority 'Urgent'? Maybe with a modified Subject (like 'URGENT! READ! THIS! NOW!').
I searched in the plugins, but didn't find anything helpful.

Thanks for any advice

Replies (1)

RE: Looking for plugin that send extra notifications for 'Urgent'-Tickets.. - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 9 years ago

This is quite easy.
Edit this line and add (#{issue.priority}) in any position, like this:

:subject => "[#{} - #{} ##{}] (#{issue.priority}) #{issue.subject}" 

I've deleted (#{}) because changing Status breaks mail's chain.
