


Ticket grouping plugin

Added by Andrew Chaika almost 16 years ago

I have developed ticket (issues) grouping plugin and tested it on current trunk.
There is a sample screenshot:

Maybe it will be usefull for someone.

Replies (217)

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

It works...but for some reason it runs another server (mongrel [configured to have 1 server]) instance of redmine which causes redmine to crash/hang whenever I try to show/edit an issue within the issue list. I had the same issue with the previous versions of the plugin but it happen when I try to show an issue in the Activity list. I will dig more into this when I have time. Another issue I saw was the lang/en.yml file was missing some fields...

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

Jason Messmer wrote:

It works...but for some reason it runs another server (mongrel [configured to have 1 server]) instance of redmine which causes redmine to crash/hang whenever I try to show/edit an issue within the issue list. I had the same issue with the previous versions of the plugin but it happen when I try to show an issue in the Activity list. I will dig more into this when I have time. Another issue I saw was the lang/en.yml file was missing some fields...

Another missing method sort_criteria in _subissues_list.rhtml, which is not in 0.8.4 in sort_helper.rb. I think it is for 0.9 baseline

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Andrew Chaika almost 16 years ago

Jason Messmer wrote:

Another missing method sort_criteria in _subissues_list.rhtml, which is not in 0.8.4 in sort_helper.rb. I think it is for 0.9 baseline

I will check plugin work on Redmine 0.8.4 version tomorrow

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Alexey Lustin almost 16 years ago

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined local variable or method `current_role' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb58ba668>) 
on line №15 of vendor/plugins/redmine_issues_group/app/views/queries/_form.rhtml:

Andrew your forgot that in trunk Redmine changes the API - user now can have collection of roles

for example

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Kael Estermann almost 16 years ago

Alexey Lustin wrote:


Andrew your forgot that in trunk Redmine changes the API - user now can have collection of roles

for example

I have the plugin installed on Redmine 0.8.4 and Plugin is 0.1.4. if i try to add a subissues the an internal error is occurs:

Processing IssuesController#copy_subissue (for at 2009-05-30 20:17:07) [POST]
Session ID: 99c25acfa921e28c5a9066a6124865db
Parameters: {"new_project_id"=>"1", "new_tracker_id"=>"1", "ids"=>["1"], "new_subject"=>"Testen Icon und Bildschirm varinaten", "a
ction"=>"copy_subissue", "controller"=>"issues", "copy_options"=>{"copy"=>"1"}}

ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)):
/vendor/plugins/redmine_issues_group/app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:59:in `move_to'
/vendor/plugins/redmine_issues_group/app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:59:in `copy_subissue'

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Alexey Lustin almost 16 years ago

this diff resolve defect with current trunk of Redmine (undefined local variable or method `current_role')

diff --git a/app/controllers/queries_controller.rb b/app/controllers/queries_controller.rb
index a39edb9..625d57a 100644
--- a/app/controllers/queries_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/queries_controller.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class QueriesController < ApplicationController
     @query =[:query])
     @query.project = params[:query_is_for_all] ? nil : @project
     @query.user = User.current
-    @query.is_public = false unless (@query.project && current_role.allowed_to?(:manage_public_queries)) || User.current.admin?
+    @query.is_public = false unless (@query.project && User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_public_queries, @project)) || User.current.admin?
     @query.column_names = nil if params[:default_columns]
     @query.group_by = params[:group_by] if params[:group_by]

diff --git a/app/views/queries/_form.rhtml b/app/views/queries/_form.rhtml
index 59f516d..d0e41c0 100644
--- a/app/views/queries/_form.rhtml
+++ b/app/views/queries/_form.rhtml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <%= javascript_tag "new Ajax.Autocompleter('query_category', 'query_categories_choices', '#{ url_for(:controller => 'queries', :action => 'autocomplete_for_category') }', { min$
 <%# text_field 'query', 'category', :size => 80 %>

-<% if User.current.admin? || (@project && current_role.allowed_to?(:manage_public_queries)) %>
+<% if User.current.admin? || (@project && User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_public_queries, @project)) %>
 <p><label for="query_is_public"><%=l(:field_is_public)%></label>
 <%= check_box 'query', 'is_public',
       :onchange => (User.current.admin? ? nil : 'if (this.checked) {$("query_is_for_all").checked = false; $("query_is_for_all").disabled = true;} else {$("query_is_for_all").d$

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Andrew Chaika almost 16 years ago

Version 0.1.5:
  • Improved compatibility with Redmine 0.8.4 and with Redmine trunk [all tested from different users]

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

Looks good from what I can tell with the exception of updating the en.yml file under the lang folder...
I am loving this plugin more and more...nice work...

# English strings go here
label_main_project: "Main project" 
label_group_by: "Group by" 
button_parent_edit: "Change parent" 
label_parent_edit_selected_issues: "Change parent" 
field_parent_issue: "Parent" 
notice_failed_to_update: "Failed to update" 
label_subissues: "Subissues" 
label_add_subissue: Add subissue

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

Jason Messmer wrote:

Looks good from what I can tell with the exception of updating the en.yml file under the lang folder...
I am loving this plugin more and more...nice work...


I also updated the following labels:

field_parent_issue: "Parent issue" 
label_subissues: "Sub-issues" 
label_add_subissue: Add sub-issue

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Erik Dannenberg almost 16 years ago

after installing the plugin we now got a little display issue.

steps to reproduce: update the status or percentage of a ticket.
the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change.

nothing really major, just annoying. removing the plugin fixed the issue.

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Markus Knittig almost 16 years ago

Erik Dannenberg wrote:

steps to reproduce: update the status or percentage of a ticket.
the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change.

I have the same problem...

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

I am unable to reproduce this issue, can you upload an image of the issue? All I am trying to do is reproduce it so I know about it...Thanks...

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Erik Dannenberg almost 16 years ago

np, maybe not the best description on my part :)
attached a screenshot

Redmine_Error_goupingPlugin.png (56.9 KB) Redmine_Error_goupingPlugin.png ticket history, status changes

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Andrew Chaika almost 16 years ago

Erik Dannenberg wrote:

the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change

I have checked 0.8.4 and trunk Redmine versions and can't reproduce described behavior.
Which version you use? After removing the plugin doubled entries are disappeared from journal (ticket history)?

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Tsukasa Shimizu almost 16 years ago

Great! I would like to use this plugin.
So I have to run the db migration for this plugin.
Is there possibility that the db migration causes any problem on 0.9.x or later version.

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

Andrew Chaika wrote:

Erik Dannenberg wrote:

the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change

I have checked 0.8.4 and trunk Redmine versions and can't reproduce described behavior.
Which version you use? After removing the plugin doubled entries are disappeared from journal (ticket history)?

I can't reproduce it either on the 0.8.4 baseline :)

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Jason Messmer almost 16 years ago

Jason Messmer wrote:

Andrew Chaika wrote:

Erik Dannenberg wrote:

the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change

I have checked 0.8.4 and trunk Redmine versions and can't reproduce described behavior.
Which version you use? After removing the plugin doubled entries are disappeared from journal (ticket history)?

I can't reproduce it either on the 0.8.4 baseline :)

Erik Dannenberg, what other plugins do you have installed?

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Alexey Lustin almost 16 years ago

Jason Messmer wrote:

Jason Messmer wrote:

Andrew Chaika wrote:

Erik Dannenberg wrote:

the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change

I have checked 0.8.4 and trunk Redmine versions and can't reproduce described behavior.
Which version you use? After removing the plugin doubled entries are disappeared from journal (ticket history)?

I can't reproduce it either on the 0.8.4 baseline :)

Erik Dannenberg, what other plugins do you have installed?

same problem in my trunk Redmine

$ruby script/about RAILS_ENV=production
About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.6 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.4
Rails version             2.2.2
Active Record version     2.2.2
Action Pack version       2.2.2
Active Resource version   2.2.2
Action Mailer version     2.2.2
Active Support version    2.2.2
Application root          /opt/redmine
Environment               development
Database adapter          postgresql
Database schema version   20090601112052

About your Redmine plugins
Redmine Issues Group plugin               0.1.4
Redmine Vote plugin                       0.0.2
Redmine Local Avatars plugin              0.0.2
Stuff To Do Plugin                        0.2.0

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Erik Dannenberg almost 16 years ago

Andrew Chaika wrote:

Erik Dannenberg wrote:

the status changes in the tickethistory are displayed twice for each status change

I have checked 0.8.4 and trunk Redmine versions and can't reproduce described behavior.
Which version you use? After removing the plugin doubled entries are disappeared from journal (ticket history)?

doubled Entries are still there after removing the Plugin, so i guess its not really a display issue.
we are using the latest trunk, last update was just yesterday before i installed the grouping plugin.

About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.1
Rails version 2.2.2
Active Record version 2.2.2
Action Pack version 2.2.2
Active Resource version 2.2.2
Action Mailer version 2.2.2
Active Support version 2.2.2
Application root snip
Environment development
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20090214190337

About your Redmine plugins
Stuff To Do Plugin 0.3.0
Redmine Issues Group plugin 0.1.5
Redmine Question plugin 0.3.0
Embedded 0.0.1
Budget 0.2.0
Timesheet Plugin 0.5.0
Redmine Schedules plugin 0.3.2
Customer plugin 0.2.0
Rate Plugin 0.1.0
Bulk Time Entry 0.3.0

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Markus Knittig almost 16 years ago

About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.7 (i486-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.1
Rails version             2.2.2
Active Record version     2.2.2
Action Pack version       2.2.2
Active Resource version   2.2.2
Action Mailer version     2.2.2
Active Support version    2.2.2
Application root          /home/www/web1/html/redmine
Environment               production
Database adapter          mysql
Database schema version   20090503121510

About your Redmine plugins
Redmine Agile plugin            0.0.1
Mylyn connector plugin          v2.5
Bulk Time Entry                 0.3.0
Messenger Plugin                0.0.8
Redmine Issues Group plugin     0.1.4
ezFAQ plugin                    0.3.4
Redmine Burndown plugin         1.1.3
Timesheet Plugin                0.5.0
Redmine My Widgets plugin       0.1.0
Redmine Graphs plugin           0.1.0
Charts Plugin                   0.0.12
Repository Maintenance plugin   0.0.1

Same problem as Erik...

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by steeven lee almost 16 years ago

Great! I found it worked well with official 0.8.4 after installed awesome_nested_set plugin.

two suggestion:
  • auto add follows parent relation. it look weired in gantt chart that the sub issue start earlier than parent.
  • the group by function not work in calendar and gantt view. is it possible to group subject in gantt chart?


RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Dmitry Sychov almost 16 years ago

wow Andrew, great plugin.

i was looking for exact functionality in issue trackers and hit yours by accident! :)

any chance for it to be pushed into the main tree (as an advanced option to not clatter the main screen)which should remain as simple as possible).

its really useful to organize tasks in a tree form, selecting one dependancy for parent-> childs relationship, in this case: "subtask"


RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by steeven lee almost 16 years ago

here is a language patch:

RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Konstantin Ershov almost 16 years ago

It's strange but after installing this plugin I'm unable to filter issues by "Question is assigned to" and "Question was asked by" fields. There are no such items in the "Add filter" list.

I'm using Redmine 0.8.4 with the following plugins:
  • ezFAQ
  • Question plugin 0.3.0
  • Schedules plugin 0.4.1
  • Stuff To Do Plugin
  • awesome_nested_set (from the current trunk)
  • redmine issues group 0.1.5

My environment:

About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.1
Rails version             2.1.2
Active Record version     2.1.2
Action Pack version       2.1.2
Active Resource version   2.1.2
Action Mailer version     2.1.2
Active Support version    2.1.2
Edge Rails revision       unknown
Application root          /www/redmine
Environment               development
Database adapter          postgresql

When I installed Issues Group plugin and accessed my "Tasks" page I recieved a 500 error and got the following message in my production.log:

ActionView::TemplateError (PGError: ERROR:  column issues.question_asked_by_id does not exist
: SELECT count(DISTINCT "issues".id) AS count_all FROM "issues"  LEFT OUTER JOIN "issue_statuses" ON "issue_statuses".id = "issues".status_id  LEFT OUTER JOIN "proje
cts" ON "projects".id = "issues".project_id  LEFT OUTER JOIN "questions" ON questions.issue_id = WHERE (((issues.question_asked_by_id IS NULL OR issues.que
stion_asked_by_id NOT IN ('1'))) AND (issues.tracker_id IN ('4','1','2','3')) AND (issues.status_id IS NOT NULL) AND = 1 AND projects.status=1 AND EXISTS
 (SELECT FROM enabled_modules em WHERE'issue_tracking' AND ) on line #27 of issues/_sidebar.rhtml:
24: <% end %>
25: <% queries.each do |query| -%>
26: <% query.project = @project unless @project.nil? %>
27: <% issue_count = Issue.count(:include => [:status, :project], :conditions => query.statement) %>
28: <%= link_to h(, {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project, :query_id => query}, :class => (query.is_public ? 'icon icon-fa
v-off' : 'icon icon-fav') %> (<%= issue_count %>)<br />
29: <% end -%>
30: <% end -%>

    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:147:in `log'
    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:484:in `execute'
    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:929:in `select_raw'
    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:916:in `select'
    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:7:in `select_all_without_query_cache'
    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/query_cache.rb:59:in `select_all'
    vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/query_cache.rb:80:in `cache_sql'


Then I found out that it's becouse in one of my projects I have one saved filter which shows all the questions (created with Question plugin).

I had the following data in my DB:

redmine=# select * from queries;
 id | project_id |        name        |        filters         | user_id | is_public |      column_names
  1 |          1 | Вопросы по проекту | ---                    |       5 | t         | ---
                                      : question_asked_by_id:                        : - :tracker
                                      :   :values:                                   : - :status
                                      :   - "1"                                      : - :subject
                                      :   :operator: "!"                             : - :formatted_questions
                                      : tracker_id:                                  :
                                      :   :values:
                                      :   - "4" 
                                      :   - "1" 
                                      :   - "2" 
                                      :   - "3" 
                                      :   :operator: "=" 
                                      : status_id:
                                      :   :values:
                                      :   - "1" 
                                      :   :operator: "*" 

When I removed data from "queries" table I got my Redmine working with new plugins but became unavailable to filter issues with questions.

Does anyone know why this happened and how I can filter questions as it was possible before?


RE: Ticket grouping plugin - Added by Hugo Marcelino almost 16 years ago


It happend with exactly the same.

I installed the question plugin and then the issues group, and the filters didn't show anymore.

Thanks in advance

Hugo Marcelino
